Prize fund  1 000 000 kzt


  • 1 place  – 700$
  • 2 place  – 350$
  • 3 place  – 200$

The strongest in the category:

  • Best single-digit kyu – 100$
  • up to 5 kyu – 100$
  • up to 10 kyu – 75$
  • up to 15 kyu – 75$


  • The best result among women – 100 $
  • Strongest under 12 years old – 75 $
  • Strongest under 16 years old – 75 $


5 wins – 30 $

4 wins – 20 $

(not taken into account when winning in several categories)

Application and pre-registration deadlines: June 01, 2024 – August 31, 2024


Tournament system:

  • McMahon, 5 rounds.


  • Japanese rules
  • Board size – 19х19
  • Komi  – 6,5 points
  • Even games – no handicap
  • Color – nigiri
  • Time limit: 40 min basic time
  • Additional time – Japanese byo-yomi (3x30 sec)
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